Author Topic: Otsin gruppi - Soovin õppida airsofti ja harjutada eesti keelt  (Read 5532 times)

Offline BathtubKraken

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Ma olen Ameeriklane aga ma elan Eestis juba üheksa aastad. Ma räägin natukene eesti keelt, aga ma õpin. Ma mängisin paintball kakskend aastat tagasi, aga praegu ma tahan midagi... taktikalisem. Ma arven et võibolla ma saan harjutada minu eesti keelt ka. Ma otsin gruppi kes saavad äidata mind õppima airsofti ja...

Ok, that's the limit of my Estonian :) Basically:

1. I need to use my Estonian more so I can learn it and speak it freely.
2. I need a hobby to encourage me to get out of the house.
3. I played paintball long ago when I was a teenager. Airsoft seems like a good option because the tactical play would require communication with people in the squad.

So, I am looking for someone or some group who I could learn how to play Airsoft with and who will tolerate me trying to use and learn Estonian as much as possible. I don't just want to show up at some event where I know no one, have rented gear, never played before, and can't speak Estonian very well

Offline Sv

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Re: Otsin gruppi - Soovin õppida airsofti ja harjutada eesti keelt
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2021, 00:06:06 »
I understand your problem but estonians will not respond to a call like that (that's just the way we are, sue us if you wish). Your best bet is to do exactly that - go out to random games and hope to make some friends there.

But let's say I'm wrong, it would probably help if you atleast share your location so people near you can ring you up on your request.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2021, 00:13:29 by Sv »

Offline BathtubKraken

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Re: Otsin gruppi - Soovin õppida airsofti ja harjutada eesti keelt
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2021, 10:46:48 »
Actually I'm happy to say a few people already have. In my experience, Estonians think that Estonians are less friendly and outgoing than they actually are :) But you are right, going to random games is the best thing to do, I just did not want to go completely alone and knowing absolutely no one.

Some more info about me: 37, live just east of Tallinn and can drive to games

Offline MichelleMark

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Re: Otsin gruppi - Soovin õppida airsofti ja harjutada eesti keelt
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2022, 14:36:04 »
Tere. Ma mõtlen teie eeskuju järgida. Mul on pärast Eestisse kolimist suhtlemisprobleeme. Kuigi ma olen tüdruk, oskan ma tulirelvadega ümber käia ja ma arvan, et saan airsoftiga hakkama. Ma arvan, et sellised meeskonnamängud aitavad mul leida inimestega ühist keelt ...

Offline GoodRising

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Re: Otsin gruppi - Soovin õppida airsofti ja harjutada eesti keelt
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2022, 16:33:28 »
As said previously, just show up at any game. Friends are pretty fast to come on site after few games.
It might be problem for foreigners to get the initial information about games happening since most of the ads are in estonian.
If this is the problem then dont be shy to ask for a personal "information giver", aslo one of the solutions would be joining estonian facebook or discord groups.

Offline AndrewM

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Re: Otsin gruppi - Soovin õppida airsofti ja harjutada eesti keelt
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2022, 15:05:55 »
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